Prayer Shawls


Sundays - 9:00 AM

Prayer Shawl Corner

We have very talented people making prayer shawls and donating them to our church

The prayer shawls are located in a basket in the west back corner of the sanctuary.

If you know of someone that needs to be covered in prayer, please come and pick up one of our beautiful shawls for them.  

These wonderful shawls were made with prayers woven through with each stitch.  

May they bring comfort to someone in need who can wrapped themselves in the prayers of those creating them through God's working hands.

Thank you to everyone who has been working so hard on this Ministry! 

Because of their devotion to this ministry we now have several Prayer shawls available in our basket.

Prayer Shawl Blessing Story

I received a prayer shawl for our basket with note that has totally touched my heart and I would like to share it with you.

Sheila - Please accept this shawl as a gift to your ministry.  I am a fairly new knitter, so just like me the shawl has many flaws and imperfections! But my prayer for the wearer of this shawl is that they may feel God's flawless healing; be surrounded by His perfect love; and be blessed by His amazing grace. Thank you for giving me an opportunity to serve Him Blessings....

I am humbled by this women's love of the Lord and I pray that you are too!

- Sheila V.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Gethsemane is looking for men or women that would be willing to give of their time to make Prayer Shawls for this ministry that is located in the Sanctuary (next to the prayer wall).

Shawls can be given to the people for: undergoing medical procedures, as a comfort after a loss or in times of stress; during bereavement; prayer or meditation; commitment or marriage ceremonies; birthing, nursing a baby; during an illness and recover; ministering to others.....there are endless possibilities.  

While being made each shawl has been prayed over and blessed for the recipient.

The pattern is easy to do and patterns are available for you!  

If you feel that you can help out with this ministry, see Parish Secretary Brenda "Bunny" in the office, and we will get you started.

We ask for your prayers for this ministry at Gethsemane.
