The latest at Gethsemane Evangelical Lutheran Church
Stay up to date with the happenings of Gethsemane Evangelical Lutheran Church by visiting us here or in person. Here, you'll find the same information that is included in the announcements in the Sunday bulletin and our monthly newsletter.
God’s Global Barnyard
by: Gethsemane Lutheran
Barnyard animals help stop hunger! Our Favor of the Month emphasis for February is God’s Global Barnyard. The Generosity team will be working with the Sunday School to collect funds that will be sent to the ELCA’s Good Gifts/God’s Global Barnyard Program for the purchase of animals.
Animals can make a difference for a family in need. Animals provide food to eat, fertilizer for crops, and even provide means for starting a sustainable small family business through education a more
Sunday School
by: Gethsemane Lutheran
The Sunday School children continue working with the Spark Bible Series.
We also have some fun things planned. The children will be visiting the church library and checking out some books, singing songs with Gail Wieman on her guitar, and going on a Treasure Hunt.
All children are welcome - from Pre - K to 6th grade. more
Congregations Caring for the Earth Meeting
by: Gethsemane Lutheran
Monday, February 24, 10 am, downstairs at Hope Community Presbyterian Church in Virginia. All are welcome to attend!
212 5th Ave S
Virginia, MN 55792
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North St Louis County Habitat for Humanity Annual Dinner & Fundraiser
by: Gethsemane Lutheran
Thursday, February 27; 5 pm social hour, 6 pm dinner
Mountain Iron Community Center
Live Music; Tuscan chicken dinner; Prizes
Tickets: $50 per person
Only 200 seats available!
Call 218-749-8910 to
RSVP by February 14th.
The highlight of the evening will be a keynote speech by a Habitat homeowner, who will share how Habitat changed her and her children’s lives. more
Hat & Mitten Tree
by: Gethsemane Lutheran
Once again, our Hat and Mitten Tree is covered with items to provide warmth to those friends in our communities. The tree will be up through February.
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LIFT Update & 2025 Meeting Dates
by: Gethsemane Lutheran
L.I.F.T. (Learning and Living Faith Together)
4th - 12th grade Christian Education
We have started our Winter & 2nd session of LIFT - we are meeting at Messiah Lutheran. Our focus for this session is THEOLOGY & we had a great beginning - discovering what IS THEOLOGY. Ask your confirmation student for the answer!
Gethsemane would like to set up a team of prayer partners for our confirmation students. Being a prayer partner - would be an adult meeting with a confirmation st more
Voyageurs Lutheran Ministry
by: Gethsemane Lutheran
Join us at Messiah Lutheran Church in Mountain Iron, MN for our 2024 Annual Meeting on Saturday, February 15th, 2025. The meeting will start at 11AM and registration will start prior at 10:30 AM.
There will be Important Updates on Future Plans, Board Elections, Fellowship, and more.
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New Church Directory
by: Gethsemane Lutheran
Welcome to a new era of church directories - Instant Church Directory, the ultimate online directory program. Say goodbye to high pressure sales and the printing and distributing of directories that become obsolete as soon as they are printed. Our church will soon be working with this company to provide all of us with an up-to-date option - we can receive traditional and printed directories, as well as a free mobile app which will provide the same information - absolutely more
Aluminum Cans
by: Gethsemane Lutheran
The Fellowship Team is no longer collecting aluminum cans. If any group or individual would like to continue to collect them, please let Bunny or Donna Flannigan know. The trailer needs a new home so if you are interested in the trailer, let us know. more
The Work of the People
by: Gethsemane Lutheran
That is really what the word liturgy means. Did you know that each Sunday morning, around 14 people (not counting pastors and pianist) are faithfully doing the “work” of Sunday morning worship? The roles people assume in worship include greeters, ushers, lectors, communion preparers, communion servers, and the list goes on.
If you would like to help occasionally with the worship services, your assistance would be most appreciated. Please talk with Pastor Mark or Marion. more
Gethsemane Angel Coordinators
by: Gethsemane Lutheran Church
The Gethsemane Angel program is a way that we, as a congregation, are organizing ourselves in service to the Lord. We ask every person to volunteer to serve during one month of the year with a “Team of Angels” to provide all the help that is needed for worship services.
Each month the Angel Coordinator schedules the Angels with what is needed to be done. We are looking for 3 more Angel Coordinators for the months of March, April and October.
Please consider helping out for more
All Women of Gethsemane Get Together
by: Gethsemane Lutheran Church
Join us on Thursday, February 27th at 5:30 pm in the youth room. We are having a casual get together just to “hang out” with other gals, enjoy visiting, relax, and have some laughs.
We meet on the 4th Thursday of each month. No commitments, just bring yourself and your own beverage. Please come. - we’ll have a fun time! more