Council Highlights - August 2024


Sundays - 9:00 AM

by: Bennet Bloomquist



Hello everyone!

A busy council meeting this month along with the usual reports and business; there were several other things to discuss and plan. Plans were made for Summer Fun Night (already been held by the time you read this) and for Welcome Back/Rally Sunday which will be held on Sunday, September 15th.

Changes in programming in Youth and Confirmation areas were discussed so look for information regarding these areas to be out soon. 

The roof project is nearing an end and we are evaluating an offer from our insurance carrier regarding damage to the fellowship hall and lower level. Thank you to all the individuals that have worked so hard on both of these areas, especially Dan Alto for his leadership on the roof project. Thanks to all who donated to the roof project so we could make it happen. 

The call committee has been working diligently on the process. A congregational survey is out so please take the time to make your thoughts known. This is also helpful for prospective candidates to learn about us when they are considering to accept a call to Gethsemane. 

Check out the time line of Gethsemane in the Narthex. Mark big moments in your life as a part of our church on the line. It’s fun to look at the history of our church! Let’s enjoy what’s left of summer and have a wonderful fall! 


Grace and Peace, Bennet

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Hello everyone!

A busy council meeting this month along with the usual reports and business; there were several other things to discuss and plan. Plans were made for Summer Fun Night (already been held by the time you read this) and for Welcome Back/Rally Sunday which will be held on Sunday, September 15th.

Changes in programming in Youth and Confirmation areas were discussed so look for information regarding these areas to be out soon. 

The roof project is nearing an end and we are evaluating an offer from our insurance carrier regarding damage to the fellowship hall and lower level. Thank you to all the individuals that have worked so hard on both of these areas, especially Dan Alto for his leadership on the roof project. Thanks to all who donated to the roof project so we could make it happen. 

The call committee has been working diligently on the process. A congregational survey is out so please take the time to make your thoughts known. This is also helpful for prospective candidates to learn about us when they are considering to accept a call to Gethsemane. 

Check out the time line of Gethsemane in the Narthex. Mark big moments in your life as a part of our church on the line. It’s fun to look at the history of our church! Let’s enjoy what’s left of summer and have a wonderful fall! 


Grace and Peace, Bennet

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