Mid-Week Wednesday Lenten Services


Sundays - 9:00 AM

by: Gethsemane Lutheran



Lenten Worship at Gethsemane begins with Ash Wednesday, March 5th and goes through Holy Week, April 18th. Our weekly Lenten time is when we can share together as the family of God.

We will begin with a meal, share a time of listening, learning, activities and worship. We are focusing on our relationship with God - and in the different ways we communicate with God.

ALL are welcome! Come families, individuals, youth, elders and bring someone with you. Confirmation students and parents - these services are part of your confirmation program. 

Ash Wednesday Service: 

Meal - 6:00 pm, Service - 6:30 pm

Wednesday Lenten Services: 

Meal - 6:00 pm, Reflection time and Activities - 6:30 pm.

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Lenten Worship at Gethsemane begins with Ash Wednesday, March 5th and goes through Holy Week, April 18th. Our weekly Lenten time is when we can share together as the family of God.

We will begin with a meal, share a time of listening, learning, activities and worship. We are focusing on our relationship with God - and in the different ways we communicate with God.

ALL are welcome! Come families, individuals, youth, elders and bring someone with you. Confirmation students and parents - these services are part of your confirmation program. 

Ash Wednesday Service: 

Meal - 6:00 pm, Service - 6:30 pm

Wednesday Lenten Services: 

Meal - 6:00 pm, Reflection time and Activities - 6:30 pm.

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