Confirmation (6-8)


Sundays - 9:00 AM

Wednesday Nights

Confirmation sessions are held on Wednesday nights from 6:30 – 8:00 pm.

Our first session is Orientation on September 13. All confirmation students and at least one parent must attend!

Confirmation sessions run from September to May with breaks during Christmas and Easter. Students are expected to attend and assist with Wednesday evening worships during Lent.

Confirmation will not be held on the following dates:

  • Oct 18 – MEA week
  • Nov 22 – Thanksgiving week
  • Dec 20 & 27 – Christmas Break
  • Mar 27 & Apr 3– Holy Week, Easter
Collaborative Confirmation with Youth  from Our Savior's Lutheran Church in Virginia and Messiah Lutheran Church in Mt. Iron


We are using a three-year rotation in the "Here We Stand" curriculum from Augsburg Fortress. This year (2023-24) our focus is on The Foundations of Faith in the Old Testament.

How it works…

Confirmation sessions  begin with an introductory activity, followed by a lesson on the topic, led by the Pastor or another adult leader, which includes Bible readings and real life applications. Then, youth have small group time with an adult guide to share about their lives and discuss the topic of the night. Finally, we end with announcements, prayer, and a blessing.

At least once a month, we also have special service nights in which students take part in a service project or learning about a special issue which can be informed by their faith. (Examples of these include: writing encouraging notes to homebound members, singing Christmas carols at local nursing homes, packing care packages, doing work projects around the church, learning about mental health, talking about suicide risk and prevention.)

Students are also asked to attend worship on Sunday mornings or Wednesday evenings (Advent/Lent) and complete at least 12 Worship Notes. 

We also ask that students complete 12 hours of service in the church or community. This helps our youth find ways to live out their faith in real, tangible ways and find ministries in the church that connect with their gifts and interests. Students can complete some of their service hours during our service nights in confirmation or by volunteering to help in worship (each student is expected to acolyte in worship at least 4 times per year).

For more information: HERE IS THIS YEAR'S FLYER including our lesson schedule!

Check back in August for our updated 2024-2025 Confirmation Program Schedule.


Confirmation Rite - The Final Steps

9th graders** who have completed at least 2 years of confirmation sessions and requirements are given the opportunity to cap off their Confirmation experience with a public Affirmation of Baptism.

These young people complete a Statement of Faith paper or project that explains or shows what they believe about God and the role of faith in their life at this point. They also decorate a white confirmation stole with symbols of their faith and personality, which they wear on the day of their Confirmation to symbolize taking on the responsibility of nurturing and forming one's own faith, as opposed to being primarily guided by parents and baptismal sponsors (godparents).

The Confirmation Rite - known as the Affirmation of Baptism - happens each year on Reformation Sunday and includes each person affirming the following statement in the presence of the congregation:

Do you intend to continue in the covenant God made with you in holy baptism:

to live among God’s faithful people, 

to hear the word of God and share in the Lord’s supper, 

to proclaim the good news of God in Christ through word and deed, 

to serve all people, following the example of Jesus, 

and to strive for justice and peace in all the earth? 

Confirmand's response: “I do, and I ask God to help and guide me.”

**in 2023 we will be transitioning to 9th grade Affirmation of Baptism. 9th and 10th graders will be confirmed on Reformation Sunday, October 29, 2023.