Summer Camp


Sundays - 9:00 AM

faith formation in God's Great Northwoods!

Talk with previous generations of Christians, and they’ll tell you:  Bible Camp was an important part of their growth in faith. There is something about the world of nature, canoes, crafts, and campfires that grows your faith in Christ.  We want our young people to grow in faith. Consequently, we want our young people to experience church camp through Voyageurs Lutheran Ministry, which oversees Camp Vermilion and Camp Hiawatha.

Confirmands are strongly encouraged to go to church camp one or more times. To help, a "camperships" are made available for every teenager and a friend from the Roy Carlson Youth Ministry Fund. 

Gethsemane also sponsors a cabin at Camp Vermilion - Thompson Cabin. The church takes responsibility for furnishing and upkeep of the cabin throughout the years. 

For more information on summer camp or Gethsemane’s camp involvement, go to the Voyageurs Lutheran Ministry website or call the church office.


Camp Vermilion Workday

"Camp Vermilion Workday" will be held on Saturday, May 11, 2024 from 8am-1:30pm!

Gethsemane sponsors a cabin so this is a day that we prepare our cabin and the rest of the camp for this summer's camping season. They cannot do that without all of our help! 

There will be a light breakfast and a lunch provided so you won't go hungry.  

Camp Vermilion is located on 2555 Vermilion Camp Rd. in Cook, MN. 

To RSVP call 800-331-5148 or email
