Sunday School is our primary ministry with children Pre-K (3 years old) through the 5th grade. We use the Spark Lectionary curriculum that links our Bible learning with the texts we introduce during the Children’s Message in worship.
After the Children’s Message, at about 9:15, children are guided to the Sunday School room where they will participate in age-appropriate learning activities about that Sunday’s lesson. Sunday School ends after worship at about 10:15.
Sunday School is held in our Sunday School room located downstairs across from the fellowship hall. Children Pre-K through the 5th grade and their friends are welcome! Our teachers are Pam Fields and Donna Flannigan. Parents of Sunday School children are welcome to volunteer during Sunday School. Confirmation youth and High School youth are also welcome assistants.
New this Year: We are asking parents to help support the childrens' time in the class room, so the teachers can attend the whole worship service several times a month. If parents share the responsibility it will not require more than a couple of times during the Sunday School year. On Sunday, September 15, you will be asked to sign-up your child for Sunday School and there will also be a sign- up sheet for parents to sign-up as a support person. We will begin by just going through December with the parent support and will do a new sign-up for the rest of the year after Christmas.
New children are always welcome into Sunday School. Simply accompany your child from worship or send them down to Sunday School room with teachers and other children. You can fill out a simple registration form when you pick them up.
Our Sunday School Children also get the opportunity to sing special songs during Sunday worship four times per year! Some opportunities are October 13, December 15th (The Christmas Program, April 13th (Palm Sunday), and May 11th (Mother's Day/Last day of SS).